Commercial Data Cabling For Beginners

In order for a commercial entity to thrive, its internal communication system must be able to provide an effortless exchange of information between different departments.

The effectiveness of such a communication system largely depends on the condition of its data cables and the amount of information that the cables are expected to transfer. Because the average business person is not expected to be an IT guru, here are answers to three common questions you may have about commercial data cabling systems.

What Are The Different Types Of Commercial Data Cabling Systems?

If one was to set-up their first office today, they would have to choose between a point-to-point data cabling system and one that is structured for purposes of internal communication.

A point-to-point data cabling systems is one that features a direct connection between servers, switches and storage units. The direct connection is made possible by the use of "jumper" fiber cables.

On the other hand, a structured data cabling systems is one made up of six sub-subsystems that provide the infrastructure for telecommunication systems within a commercial entity. The six sub-systems of structured data cablings systems are listed below:

  • Entrance Facilities (EF)
  • The Equipment Room (ER)
  • Backbone Cabling
  • Telecommunications Enclosure (TE) and the Telecommunications Room (TR)
  • Horizontal Cabling
  • The Work Area

What Are The Advantages Of The Two Types Of Cabling Systems?

Point-to-point data cabling systems are often preferred for their affordability. The initial cost of setting-up a point-to-point system is almost always lower than that of putting up a structured data cabling system.

This makes point-to-point cabling systems a favorite choice for small and medium-sized business enterprises that are yet to fully exploit their financial potential.

A structured data cabling system is advantageous in a number of ways. For one, the system will provide a greater degree of organization in the commercial cabling system. This is because its structure eliminates the need to run long jumper cables connecting adjacent data cabling racks.

An indirect advantage of this is that it reduces the amount of time that an employee will take trying to trace specific ports and/or cables as they execute their duties.

A greater degree of organization in commercial data cabling systems is also advantageous in the sense that it reduces the potential for human error when handling data cables. This can help to reduce the frequency of "downtime" in a commercial entity, which often results from human error.

For more information or for help with your cabling system, contact a local data cabling company like One Step Ahead Communications

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Sharing Technology With Kids: Ideas, Tips and Parental Concerns

Hi, my name is Tanya, and when I first had kids, I restricted their screen time heavily. As they got older, they started arguing, pointing out how much they learned while watching TV and how their shows were largely more educational than many of the storybooks we read. At the same time, I begin to do some research on the role of technology in kids' lives, and I learned that the issue is not as black and white as I first thought. Now, my kids use tech freely, and my twelve-year-old just built his first computer. It lets him game for far less money than we would have spent on a new desktop. I love to write, so while my kids play, I thought I'd start a tech blog for sharing tech with kids. Enjoy and thanks for reading.
